Patients in Clonmel’s hospitals have a smile on their faces these days, as they tune into very own radio station. Staff and patients turn the dial to 93.7FM – Tipperary Hospital Radio Clonmel, from 10 am to 10pm on weekdays and 10am to 6pm Saturdays and Sundays, to hear their requests and dedications, as well as hospital information.

The radio does not take advertising but businesses can sponsor progammes and companies have been eager to do so. Sponsors are mentioned four times in the hour, and the money they contribute helps to offset the cost of running the station.

RTE producer Eoin Ryan, launched the station on May 18th 2000 and it has gone from strengh to strength since then.

The station is licensed by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (B.A.I.), which sets down strict rules and guidelines for operation of institutional radio stations like this.

Tipperary Hospital Radio Clonmel 93.7FM
Western Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

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